
10月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

SEO measures 7

Last time, I think that I described flash and so on not to enter the web page. For this time it will be necessary to include it in the web page in addition to the image, It is the creation of breadcrumbs. Suppose that the viewer saw some pages when the viewer came to see the web page. At that time, for the viewer, what we are currently looking at is what page you are viewing It is a thing to make it easy for the viewer to understand. For the breadcrumbs, the best thing to do is to add the previous page, this page, the next page and the tag If it shows it, for example, it displays http: //www.xxx..com/--- html in the URL column. This means that the viewer now shows which page he is currently viewing. Next, the most important thing is that as you create web pages, the number of rows will increase gradually, To some extent, if you put the tag to the top of this page, for the viewer, When judging that it does not have to look, when there is a top of this page now, for the viewer...

SEO対策 7

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前回に続きSEO measuresについて、記述しますが、 その前に、最近、私が感じた事を記述します。。 最近のVirus Checkのセキュリティソフトを潜り抜けて トロイとかマルウエアなどを送り続けて来ておる現状ですが、 皆さんのパソコンにセキュリティとか貴方のパソコンはVirusに 犯されていますので、このソフトをフリーですからインストールして 下さい、とかのブラウザーをクリツクした時に画面上に表示しているのが 現状ですが、ことさら、悪質なことには、あたかもMICROSOFTの名称を語り みなさんのPCに入り込もうとしていますが、その様な時は、無視して下さい。 単なる、今でいう俺れ俺詐欺です。無視する事が大事です。 例えば、貴方のパソコンがVIRUSに感染していれば、ドメインからの便りが来ます。 ので、ご用心して下さい。 話は、これぐらいにして、SEO対策について記述して行きます。 先ず、例えば、2000万件の検索順位数の中で10番以内に入ろうと思えば、年数も掛かりますが、 3年ぐらいの、ドメイン履歴があれば達成出来ます。 それには、最初に記述したように、ブログのアップロードが一番です。 これが、無ければ、順位を上にする事は、難しいと思います。 兎に角、一月に一度か、2度、アップロードするように心掛けて下さい。 検索順位を上昇させるには、これが一番です。 次に、検索されたい言葉をMETA検索されやすい事柄をWEB PAGEに盛り込んで下さい。 これによって、検索語が、WEB PAGEの中にどれくらいあるかを見て行きます。 3番手に来ることは、動画にaltを用いて何の動画かを説明して下さい。 単なるビデオであれば、無視するかも知れません。 効き目があるのが同がです。 FLASHなどは、感心がないように思えます。 5ないし7位ぐらいは、一気に順位が上がると思います。 WEB PAGEの中身も大事ですが、今、記述した事も検索順位を上げるにも重要であると 思います。  豊水

SEO measures 6

851/5000 Zenkai ni tsudzuki seo measures ni tsuite, kijutsu shimasuga, sono zen ni, saikin, watashi ga kanjita koto o kijutsu shimasu.. Saikin no u~irusu Check no sekyuriti sofuto o kuguri nukete toroitoka maruuea nado o okuri tsudzukete kite oru genjōdesuga, minasan no pasokon ni sekyuriti toka anata no pasokon wa u~irusu ni okasa rete imasunode, kono sofuto o furīdesukara insutōru shite kudasai, toka no burauzā o kuritsuku shita toki ni gamen'ue ni hyōji shite iru no ga genjōdesuga, kotosara, akushitsuna koto ni wa, atakamo MICROSOFT no meishō o katari minasan no PC ni irikomou to shite imasuga, sono-samana toki wa, mushi shite kudasai. Tan'naru, ima de iu orere ore sagidesu. Mushi suru koto ga daijidesu. Tatoeba, anata no pasokon ga VIRUS ni kansen shite ireba, domein kara no tayori ga kimasu.Node, goyōshin shite kudasai. Hanashi wa, kore gurai ni shite, seo taisaku ni tsuite kijutsu shite ikimasu. Mazu, tatoeba, 2000 man-ken no kensaku j...

SEO measures 4

For this time, I will make tags about this, I will use the subject matter of the page relation as a theme. First of all, roughly speaking, you need a top page, an overview page, a handling page, a site page, and a blog page to raise the search ranking of your own web page. Writing a blog, linking to a web page, or by linking it will be different in rank. So writing a blog is the most important point. By increasing the number of blogs by one page, it is supposed to increase the number of web pages by two pages, which leads to playing a role in search ranking. After that, from the top page, we will link and link to each page. Also, the H1 tag is a big headline in advertisements, H2 tags are medium importance, H3 tags are dispensing tags, so connecting things about the top page to each page. Aside from each page, you must collect the link terms on the web page on the site page, the site page is where you aggregate the web pages. Originally, I think that it would be better to make summary ...

SEO measures 3

Just a while ago, I was watching the blog of SEO measures Oh, I realized that there was that hand. If you write what it is, you guys know as well, but when you create a web page To make it easier for visitors to visit the web page itself for visitors I think that I am burying a bamboo tree on a web page. In my case I was also embedded in the web page, but now, I was impressed that there are some people who are embedded in the page of the line or SNS. For me, I think that it is enough to embed even the address of the web and link both sides As I was there, I now wondered if there was such a hand. This is to emit considerable effect, so I think that it would be better for you to do it. When creating the homepage, in the case of me, the search tag contains meta keyword's heading tag I use a dispensing tag, ie H1 H2 H3 tag. When linking, alt also do it like that. For meta name = "Description", contents of the web page are such contents. In that case, in my case, the keywords ...

SEO measures 2

In case Briefly, I can do it myself. However, it takes considerable time and effort. Please grasp it and work on it. First of all, after creating the homepage, I personally write a blog. I will start from the continuation of the last time. I myself started creating a homepage from HB. There were other similar software, but I got used to using it and started using 11 from the ease of use. I think that whatever software you use can be used. Next, we will consider the domain, where to decide the rental server. I think that this is a place where prices are cheaply supported at the search site as well. What is important is the matter of contents. The first thing we will create is index.html, overview html, site html, blog link. After paying attention to these four points, I think that it is good to create html of 3 pages and upload it. I think that it is better not to use flash on any html page. Because the search robot sees whether or not there is a character. In this regard, I have us...

SEO measures 1

SEO measures  1 In case Briefly, I can do it myself. However, it takes considerable time and effort. Please grasp it and work on it. First of all, after creating the homepage, I personally write a blog. I think that it is good at about 1 piece per month. If you upload frequently and upload it in a month, it will be counterproductive. Regarding the content of the blog, it does not matter what the theme is, it is to write in rabbit. Before uploading, be sure to link with your home page. I will also write blog and link on the homepage. If there is a picture in the contents, let 's put a name on that picture, for example if you have the alt "" tag. I think that putting a name in "". I think that it is good to become a habit when writing a homepage as long as it is done on a blog as well. This is the same thing on the homepage. You can also link from photos as well. Since SNS is also prevailing now, I think that they can also be used. It is ...

About PC

About PC OS There are many things I do not even know That is the difference between windows 7 and windows 8 transition It seemed like the common sense that 7 and 8 seemed to have been created by the same MS However, there was a thing which I was made to study that such behavior is different It was a situation that I could not think of in the usual way If you upgrade frequently from 7, if you upgrade within 2 weeks you can use the system restore etc to restore the original 7 state, but after that it will not be able to return to the original state and the OS itself I myself thought that a problem occurred in The point here is misunderstanding Because in 7 and 8 the configuration of the OS itself was made differently For example, if you upgraded version 7 to 8, you can restore the system, even if you do anything It will be a hand attached In the WIFI environment the network adapter will also be deleted If so, I thought that this PC and adapter can be restored if you buy the h...


前回に引き続きウエブページの内容について、記述いたします。 前回に記述しましたが、最低必要なページは、インデックスページ(ホームページ)、概要、サイト ページ、ブログ、等がありますが、このページそれぞれのページから本来のインデックスページ にリンクさせる事が必要です。 逆もしかりです。お互いのページをリンク、被リンクさせる事です。 次に、サイトページはウエブページ自体の集大成のサイトですから、meta scripto (内容) meta key (検索語)をのせてページ全体にリンクをかけることになります。 次に、ページごとある検索語がどれくらいあるかをgoogle robotは見てゆきます。 それが、多ければ多い程に越したことはありません。 たとえば、インデックスページを作成するときには、h1タ---つまり大見出タグの事ですが、何を おおいなる見出しになるわけですから、それに関連するようなページ造りをされれば良いと 思います。 其の上で、ページ造りをされるときには、中見出しのH2タグを用いて内容を記述してゆけば 良いとおもいますが、必ずページ自体の記述が多ければ多いときには、ページの長さ いわゆる、訪問者がページを見たときに、どれくらいかは、本人つまりページを作った方が ページの先頭に戻るを入れてやれば、ページ自体も見やすくなりますので、重要な事柄の ひとつとなります。 次回は、内容を濃くさせる事を少々記述したいと思います。 今日は、これぐらいで------。 豊水